Yarn: Queensland Collection Rustic Merino Sport in Shamrock, skeins (equal to yards/ meters, ounces)
US 6 straight
US 8 straight
Size needles
Stockinette st
36 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
TS - K 2nd st, leave on needle, k first st, slip both stitches off needle
SSK - Slip, slip, knit
YO - Yarn over
WS: Wrong side
RS: Right Side
M1 - Make 1
SSP - Slip, slip, purl
LC: TS, YO, SSK; repeat from * to end
CO 112 with size 6 needles
Row 1: *K2, p2; repeat from * to end
Continue in 2x2 rib as established until rib measures 4" ending on RS row. Switch to size 8 needles.
Row 1 (WS): K4, p to last 4, k4. Place marker in center of row
Row 2: P4, *YO, TS, k2tog; repeat from * to marker, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 4, p4
Row 3: K4, p to last 4, k4
Repeat rows 2 and 3 until back measures 11” from bottom of rib. End on RS row.
Armhole decreases
Rows 1, 3, 5, 7 (WS): K5, p to last 5, k5
Row 2: P3, p2tog, k3, *YO, TS, k2tog; repeat from * to marker, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 8, k3, p2tog, p3
Row 4: P3, p2tog, k2, *YO, TS, k2tog; repeat from * to marker, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 7, k2, p2tog, p3
Row 6: P3, p2tog, k1, *YO, TS, k2tog; repeat from * to marker, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 6, k1, p2tog, p3
Row 8: P3, p2tog, *YO, TS, k2tog; repeat from * to marker, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 5, p2tog, p3
Repeat rows 1-8 for 6”. (70 stitches remain) End on RS row
Back (Left)
Row 1 (WS): K5, p to 10 stitches before marker. Place remaining stitches on stitch holder
Row 2: K2, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 7, k2, p2tog, p to end
Rows 3, 5, 7, 9: k5, p to end
Row 4: K2, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 6, k1, p2tog, p to end
Row 6: K2, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 5, p2tog, p to end
Row 8: K2, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 7, k3, p2tog, p to end
Repeat rows 2-9 until 19 stitches remain
End on WS row
Back (Right)
(RS) Pick up 25 stitches from the right side of the stitch holder, leaving 20.
Rows 1, 3, 5, 7 (WS): P to last 5, k5
Row 2: P3, p2tog, k2, *YO, TS, K2tog; repeat from * to last 2, k2
Row 4: P3, p2tog, k1, *YO, TS, K2tog; repeat from * to last 2, k2
Row 6: P3, p2tog, *YO, TS, K2tog; repeat from * to last 2, k2
Row 8: P3, p2tog, k3, *YO, TS, K2tog; repeat from * to last 2, k2
Repeat rows 1-8 until 19 stitches remain
End on WS row
Repeat Back
Stitch front and back together at the BO edges of shoulders
CO 40 with size 6 needles
K in 2x2 rib until sleeve measures 1 1/2". End on RS row (11 rows). Evenly increase 4 stitches on final row.
Switch to size 8 needles. Place marker in center of row.
Row 1 (WS): K2, p to last 2, k2
Row 2: P2 (+n), *YO, TS, K2tog; repeat from * to marker, *SSK, TS, YO; repeat from * to last 2, p2 (+n+
Repeat rows 1 and 2, increasing 1 stitch on either side every inch until sleeve measures 17.5 inches from bottom of cuff
End on WS row
Row 1 (RS): P1, TS, p2tog, p12, continue in pattern to last 17, p12, p2tog, TS, p1
Row 2: K1, p2, k13, k to last 16, k13, p2, k1
Row 3: P1, TS, p2tog, p11, continue in pattern to last 17, p11, p2tog, TS, p1
Row 1 (WS): With size 6 DPNs, pick up and knit 20 stitches from back stitch holder, pick up and knit 25, pick up and knit 20 stitches from front stitch holder, pick up and knit 25. Evenly distribute 90 stitches across 4 DPNs
Row 2: *K1, p1; repeat from * to end
Repeat row 2 until neck reaches 2" BO loosely
Fold in half, sew end to inside of sweater. Sew tops of sleeves to armholes, then stitch together sleeves and sides of sweater. Weave in tails.